Overview Of Victoria Theatre In Dayton Ohio

Victoria Theatre, Dayton Ohio

Have you ever been to Victoria Theatre in Dayton Ohio? It is a historical place, one of the best in the city. Over 1100 people can fit inside, and it is considered to be one of the oldest theaters that have been in continuous operation on the entire continent. It was not always referred to as Victoria Theatre. It was initially Turner Opera House. However, this was back in the 1860s, a time when they were able to come up with nearly a quarter million dollars to create this beautiful location. It has had some problems in the past. There was arson that occurred back in the 1860s, shortly after it was opened. However, it has persevered over the years. Here is a little more information on Victoria Theatre in Dayton.

Other Problems It Has Experienced

Some of the other problems that have had include damage from the great flood of 1913. Five years later fire actually broke out inside of the theater, gutting many areas. However, this led to the development of reconstruction projects, allowing them to fix it up in just about a year.

By the 1930s, it was properly fitted so that talking pictures could be viewed.

By the 1960s, what threatens the entire establishment was the development of suburban shopping malls, freeways, and encroaching housing development projects. To prevent it from being demolished, which it was scheduled to be, it was made part of the National Register of Historic Places. After a while, it was soon to become much more than simply a theater. Many improvements were made, and it is still a viable place to see a play.

Underground Tunnels Under The Facility

As with most major cities, there is always going to be some type of underground tunnel system. Underneath this theater, they extended for several blocks. These were subsequently used for delivering error, although they were once used when vaudeville was very popular as a way of bringing in actors and circus animals. The name didn't change at one point. Back in the 70s, it was called The Victory Theater. It was used for many different venues including movies, rock concerts, and theatrical performances.

It was during this same timeframe in the 70s that additional renovations happened, replacing all of the rope and electrical lines to make it fully modern. Additionally, plasterwork was added, fresco detailing, and a substantial amount of marble work. All of the sound systems were also updated.

Today, it can accommodate over 1100 people and a total of 635 individuals can perform in the orchestra with more than 500 in the balconies. Essentially, it is a very large place, and despite its age, it has done well over the years. This transformation, along with its name going back to Victoria Theatre, has led to many prominent theatrical productions, concerts, and Broadway shows including the Phantom of the Opera.

What Is Done There Today?

What is happening today is the same as over 100 years ago. There are shows that people come to see. The primary difference is that the cost of tickets is higher, and the wide range of different venues has expanded exponentially. Although it was originally made for plays and performances, concerts are also very common. You shouldn't have a problem locating this facility. It will allow you to experience both modern entertainment, and a definitive piece of the past, of what has made Dayton such a wonderful place to live or visit. If you are going to be staying there are a couple of weeks, you should be able to schedule three or four different performances that you can see. It's a great place to visit, and if you do live in Dayton, you know how wonderful this theater actually is.

If you can schedule some time to go to this theater, you will see some excellent shows. It's just a matter of having the ability to go on those particular days. If you are visiting Dayton for a couple weeks, that should not be a problem at all. You should find one show that is appealing to you. At the very least, when you go inside, you are going to see how this place has dramatically improved over the years. It's a great way to introduce yourself to one of the most well-known pieces of architecture in all of Dayton. Find out more about the Victoria Theatre today.

Another highly popular attraction of the City is National Museum of the U.S. Air Force that has a large collection of missiles and aircrafts.

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