The Arena District Of Columbus Ohio

Arena District, Columbus Ohio

If you happen to be in the Columbus area of Ohio, you should be able to find many things that you can do in the Arena District. It was developed as a result of different investors coming together, and also a subsidiary of the business called nationwide. They decided to create something that was going to evolve into a neighborhood that was state-of-the-art.

It is a combination of both a residential location and a commercial destination, that has quite a few opportunities to offer. Let's discuss the Arena District and why you might want to consider visiting there if you happen to be in this region of Ohio.

What Is The History Of The Arena District

The history of this region began back in the 1700s. It was close to the Scioto River. It was because Columbus was expanding so rapidly that people started to move into the area. It expanded into what became the industrial sector. Buggy companies were set up, along with their production sites, and it was in the 1930s that vacant houses and businesses started to show up.

By the 50s, there was not a lot to offer in this area. It was known for many things, some of which were not good, including the massive fire at the Ohio penitentiary. During the 1990s, things began to change. Although almost every aspect of this sector of Columbus had become abandoned, a new project was proposed. There were different areas of the land that were sold off to the different businesses. A nearly $1 million grant was developed in order to clean up the whole area.

How The Area Began To Develop Again

Starting in the year 2009, the downtown area started to revitalize. It was because of the money that was coming in. Nearly half $1 billion in project funding was generated. It was incremental financing, but it led to the development of many businesses. By 2013, the final phases of the development project came together. Much of this was revolving around a casino. This area, unique for its geographic location, became a primary place for people to live and also start businesses.

What Businesses Are There Now?

Some of the businesses that are there now include the Nationwide Arena. People are able to do many things there including watch hockey games, basketball games, and there are many concerts that are played. In addition to this, you have a backyard amphitheater and Huntington Park which is very well known in Columbus.

Although it only has the capacity for just over 10,000 people, there were thousands more back in 2010 because of a specific baseball game. All of this is the result of someone believing in someone's idea that this dead area could be revitalized. With the proper amount of money, and the experts to bring everything together, you now have one of the more prominent areas of Columbus which was once nothing more than an empty area.

Reasons That You Should Visit This Area

This region is actually very nice for a couple reasons. First of all, it is essentially brand-new. Second, if you are into baseball games, hockey games, or going to concerts, this is one of the locations where you will end up. Some of the businesses that are there are exceptional. They are considered to be absolutely fantastic. If you are visiting for your first time, this may become one of your most favored locations. Were it not for the investors, we would not have what we have here today.

Arena District of Columbus Ohio is a place that you will probably see if you visit. There are going to be ball games, shopping centers, and many activities that you will be able to do. It is a great location, but that is only because of the many investors that decided to trust those that believed it could become something brand-new. Today, it is regarded as one of the nicest areas of Columbus. Unless you grew up in the area, you would probably not know that this was once a very useless area. Although it took decades, you will now go there and be absolutely amazed by all of the attractions. It is one of the nicest areas of Columbus. Do not miss the opportunity to visit the world of adventures, Columbus Zoo & Aquarium when in Columbus Ohio.

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