Overview Of North Market In Columbus Ohio

North Market, Columbus Ohio

There is a place in Columbus in Ohio called North Market. You will probably be through their if you have been to the downtown area. It is actually located near what was called the North Graveyard. This was relocated during the 1800s to make room for the buildings that were going to be put up. It can be found if you are driving down Spruce Street. This led to the development of yet another one of the many public markets that are all throughout the Columbus area.

This particular one is aptly named because it is in the north sector. There are three other markets that are in the west, south, east. This began back in the 1800s as a result of needing to provide the people of Columbus with places to get goods. Let's begin with the history of this area, and why you may want to consider visiting simply because it holds a lot of history about the development of the Columbus area.

How Things Have Changed

Beginning with its origins in the 1850s. It was once a primary hub for people in the north section of the city. Although it was extremely popular up until World War II, and subsequently became less popular because of the development of massive quantities of suburbs. This led to the production of many other stores, giving people several different choices to choose from. It was during the 1980s that a nonprofit group decided to preserve this market and the surrounding areas.

NMDA And The Markets Recovery

Once the suburbs started going in, it took about three decades for this particular group to come together. A long-term lease was set up with the city, and through negotiations, they were able to eliminate the probability of the demolition. Daily operations resumed, and this group decided to focus on generating capital to the tune of $5 million. It wasn't until 1995 that a brand-new North Market was opened. This led to the development of 25 merchants in the area.

Problems Along The Way

There are several issues that were faced along the way. Going back to the 1940s, both the East and North markets were destroyed by fire. They were within the span of just today, making it a very bizarre coincidence. When the financing and reconstruction were over, the market property was handed over to the city. The merchants that were involved or that would do business there, would have access to the building but not the property.

When Should You Visit This Area?

If you want to go into this area of Columbus, you can go there seven days a week. There is likely to be a multitude of stores open and ready to sell you any product that you would like to purchase. This is a great destination, one that is the result of investments and constant upkeep. If you are visiting all of the four corners of Columbus, when you are in the North region, you should consider stopping there to see what is happening.
You should be able to find several stores that can sell you products you would like to purchase. They will do this for both local residents and people that are moving into the area. If you are a tourist, it's a great place to get souvenirs. It has substantially changed over the years in regard to businesses and its overall appearance.

How The North Market Area Looks Today?

This particular area is doing very well. It is because of this investment, and the trust of the investors in the potential for profitable development, that it is now a protected area. The shops that are there are state-of-the-art, just like any others that you will find today. The primary difference is that they were created to provide modern day products or services.

The history of North Market has been a long one. Although it was slated to be destroyed decades ago, investors came to the rescue. They were able to see how promising it would be to set one of these up, or at least improve upon what was currently available. Since the structure was not torn down, renovations commenced. This led to the development of all of the modern stores that are there. The best companies can be found in the north area, specifically when you visit North Market. It should be one of the primary places that you decide to visit if you go to Ohio this year. If you are interested in sports like baseball or hockey, you must visit Arena District in Columbus Ohio.

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